
   2020-06-12 3470
核心提示:磁浮子翻柱液位计遵义防腐防爆TEL/微信:18156082760磁翻板液位计规格型号Model 基本型:适用于工作压力低于4.0MPa,工作温度低



磁翻板液位计规格型号Model 基本型:适用于工作压力低于4.0MPa,工作温度低于200℃的液体介质的液位测量 Basic model: Suitable for level measurement of liquid medium which working pressure less than 4.0MPa, and working temperature lower than 200℃. 防腐型:适用于强酸强碱及许多,有不锈钢衬四氟、PPR、PVC等多种材质可选 Anti-corrosion model: It’s suitable for acid, alkali and many organic solvents. It use PTFE lined stainless steel, PPR, PVC as body material. 夹套型:适用于需防冻,保温及加热场合的液位测量。夹套形式:蒸汽夹套、水循环夹套、真空夹套、电加热、电伴热等形式 Jacket model: Applied to antifreeze, insulation and heating level measurement occasions. Jacket type: steam jacket, water cycle jacket, vacuum jacket, electric heating jacket, and electric warming jacket. Jacket Type夹套形式: 蒸汽夹套、水循环夹套型磁翻板液位计:主体管外加夹套层,内通蒸汽或水,用来维持测量筒内被测介质的温度,防止被测介质因环境温度变化发生凝固、结冰等现象。 Steam jacketed, jacketed water cycle: the main pipe plus the jacket layer, inner pass steam or water, used to maintain the temperature of the measured medium in the measurement cylinder, to prevent the measured medium temperature change occurs due to freezing, ice, etc. 真空夹套型(低温防霜型)磁翻板液位计:主体管外采用临界点状态下的真空夹套绝热技术,使液位计在低温和超低温工艺状态下表面不结霜。 Vacuum jacketed (low frost type): the main tube and the critical point of the vacuum jacket insulation state of technology, the level meter in the low temperature and ultra-low temperature process is not under the surface frost. 电加热型磁翻板液位计:主体管外加电加热层,内置电加热装置,加热装置通过导热油均匀传递热量至测量筒,起到加热保温的作用。注:*次使用前请加注导热油至安全线处,否则会损坏加热装置。 Electric heating type: the main pipe plus electric heating floor, built-in electric heating device, heating device passes through the heat conducting oil to the measuring cylinder uniform, played the role of heat insulation. Note: before first use to raise the safety line of heat-conducting oil, otherwise it will damage the heating device. 电伴热型磁翻板液位计:主体管外加自限温电热带伴热装置,起到加热保温的作用。 d) Electric warming type: the main pipe band plus a self-limiting temperature heating device, to play the role of heat insulation. 高温高压型磁翻板液位计:适用于高温、高压场合的液位测量,zui高工艺温度为520℃,zui大工作压力32MPa High temperature high pressure model: It’s suitable for high temperature and high pressure level measurement occasions. The maximum process temperature is 520℃. The maximum working pressure is 32MPa 电子双色式LED bi-color model: UHZ-D型电子双色磁浮子液位计是磁翻板液位计的换代新型产品,它可以红绿光柱清晰显示液位,白天观察距离60m,夜间可达200~300m。磁翻板液位计长时间使用容易粘敷灰尘,尤其是炼钢厂,时间一长就容易粘敷细铁屑,把磁翻板的红绿颜色覆盖,使它看不到液位,另外磁翻板液位计zui大的缺点就是不能发光显示,夜间不能观察。UHZ-D型电子双色磁浮子液位计解决了上述问题,在电路设计上突破同类产品测量范围小的缺点,在保证低功耗的同时,可定制任意测量高度。 UHZ-D electronic color magnetic level gauge magnetic flap is a new generation of new products, it can clearly show the red and green beam of light level during the day and viewing distance 60m, the night up to 200 ~ 300m. Level gauge magnetic flap easy to stick deposited with the dust a long time, especially in steel mills, over time it is easy to stick deposited thin iron, the magnetic flap coverage of red and green colors, so that it cannot see the level, the other Level gauge magnetic flap biggest drawback is not light show at night cannot be observed. UHZ-D electronic color magnetic sub-level gauge to solve the above problem, a breakthrough in circuit design, measurement range of similar products on minor faults, while ensuring low power consumption, any measurement can be customized highly. 与磁翻板/翻柱式指示器相比,其主要特点: With magnetic flap / turn indicator column than its main features: 发光显示:红绿光柱清晰显示液位,适宜在光线暗的场所中应用,夜间观察更醒目; LED display: red and green light beam clearly show the level, suitable for light application of dark places, night observation is more striking; 液位显示清晰,色泽鲜艳,观察角度大,可视距离远,长时间使用不容易粘敷灰尘; Level shows a clear, bright color, observation angle, visible from far away, long-term use is not easy to stick deposited dust; 设计合理、结构简单、维修方便,被测介质与显示系统完全分离; Reasonable design, simple structure, easy maintenance, the measured medium and the display system compley separated; 适用介质广,在盐酸、硫酸等腐蚀性溶液中测量,具有良好的密封性。 Media widely applied in hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and other corrosive solution measurement, has a good seal. 主要参数Main technical parameters 温度 Temperature ≤ 300℃ ≤ 300℃ 显示颜色 Display color 液绿气红 Green liquid red gas 可视距离 Visible distance 60m, 夜间200~300 m 60m, 200 ~ 300 m at night 电源电压 Power supply voltage AC 220V (带电源适配器) 或DC24V AC 220V (with adapter) or DC24V 测量范围 Range 可根据现场要求订做 Requirements may be made according to the site

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