Kegong: The Ukrainian side's attempt to launch a "terrorist attack" on targets within

   2023-08-01 430
核心提示:Kegong: The Ukrainian side's attempt to launch a terrorist attack on targets within the Russian border is a desperate mo
Kegong: The Ukrainian side's attempt to launch a "terrorist attack" on targets within the Russian border is a desperate move
According to several Russian media reports such as RIA Novosti and TASS News Agency on July 31, Kremlin Press Secretary and Kremlin spokesman Peskov said in an interview that Ukraine's attempt to launch a "terrorist attack" against targets in Russia was "a desperate act in the context of failure".
According to the Russian news agency, Peskov told reporters, "Against the backdrop of failure, the Kiev regime has taken desperate measures and used a strategy of launching terrorist attacks, which target civilian facilities." This is outrageous and we will continue to fight against it.
TASS reported that Peskov also stated that Ukraine continues to attempt "terrorist attacks", which exposes the essence of the "Kiev regime". According to the report, Peskov added that Russia is taking "all possible measures" to minimize the risk of these attacks, and security measures in Moscow and other regions have been strengthened.
Comprehensive Tass News Agency and other Russian media reported earlier that the Russian Ministry of Defense said on the 30th that Ukraine attempted to send three drones to attack Moscow in the morning of the same day, one of which was destroyed by the air defense system over Moscow Oblast State, and the other two drones lost control after being electronically suppressed and crashed in a non residential area. After the attack, Moscow Mayor Sobyanin stated on social media that the Ukrainian side used drones to attack Moscow, causing minor damage to the exterior walls of two office buildings.
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