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The Philippines will drop cement on the Ren 'ai Reef, and Chinese warplanes are waiting 40 kilo

2023-08-18 10:5856840
The Philippines will drop cement on the Ren 'ai Reef, and Chinese warplanes are waiting 40 kilometers away
According to news reports, recently, the senior leader of the Philippine army Carlos went to the Philippine military stationed base near the Ren 'ai Reef to inspect, and said that the Philippines will send supplies to the Ren 'ai Reef next time, the next time may not only be transported by ship, but also by air drop.
After seeing this, many Chinese netizens bluntly said that the Philippines was openly Shouting at China, after all, a few days ago, the Chinese coast guard just took action against these Philippine ships and drove them away.
Situation on Ren 'ai Reef
I think you all know that the Ren 'ai Reef belongs to China's territory, but a few days ago, China and the Philippines launched a fierce dispute over the issue of the Ren 'ai Reef.
As early as 1999, the Philippines set up a beach on the Ren 'ai Reef under the pretext of a broken ship and water leakage, and used this as an excuse to send its own soldiers to the Ren 'ai Reef to be stationed here. In fact, the Philippines' practice is nothing more than to export its armed forces to the Ren 'ai Reef through these excuses, so as to seize the Ren 'ai Reef from China and occupy China's territory.
However, out of trust in the Philippines, China allowed the Philippines to act at the beginning, after all, the ship was damaged, but did not expect that in return, the Philippines did not thank China, but intensified.
Up to now, this broken ship of the Philippines has been illegally stranded on the Ren 'ai Reef of our country for more than 20 years. During this period, China has always acted on the basis of humanism and has not refused the Philippines to send essential supplies to the Ren 'ai Reef.
In addition, over the years, the Philippines has repeatedly assured China that it will tow away the ship, but now the Philippines has forgotten its promise in the least and is trying to send materials to the Ren 'ai Reef to reinforce the ship.
based on the principle of peace and friendship, China has always hoped that the Philippines can pull away the boats as soon as possible and not hinder China, but the Philippines has always refused to discuss with China the issue of handling the boats.
It can be said that this broken ship of the Philippines is completely illegal beach boats, and China has always wanted to solve the problem of illegal beach boats with the Philippines as soon as possible, but the Philippines is not buying it.
Just a few days ago, the Philippines sent ships to the area of Ren 'ai Reef reconnaissance patrol, the Chinese coast guard repeatedly persuaded is still stubborn, the Chinese coast guard had to take measures to drive away the Philippine ships in the waters near the Ren 'ai Reef, when these ships are ready to retreat, but also loudly said that they will send ships to transport supplies next time.
Ren 'ai Reef belongs to our territory, the Philippines such behavior has caused a serious threat to China's Ren 'ai Reef area, and the actual control of Ren 'ai Reef has been in the hands of China, the Chinese side has been giving the Philippines steps, so that the Philippines can solve the problem of illegal beach boats with dignity.
However, the Philippines has repeatedly refused to tow away the beach ship, has been the reason for the beach ship damaged not to tow away, which China saw the move, said that if the Philippines has difficulties in pulling away the beach ship, China can also extend a helping hand to help the Philippines, but China's goodwill has been rejected by the Philippines.
Obviously, the reason for the Philippines not towing away the boat is far from simple, but to further disrupt the situation on China's Ren 'ai Reef and take the opportunity to occupy the reef when the time comes.
In response to the Philippines' little intention, I was like a mirror, and said that China has reason to believe that illegal beachgoing has threatened China's territorial security, and that China has the right to implement coercive measures and means to protect its own territorial security and interests.
American intervention
The United States has always played the role of a spoiler in the international community, and this time, the issue of illegal shoal boats between China and the Philippines' Ren 'ai Reef has again seen the figure of the United States.
The problem originally belongs to China and the Philippines, the United States so interfered, the Philippines became more arrogant, with the help of the United States behind, the Philippines did not less clamour our country.
The problem of illegal boats is clearly the Philippines' fault, and to solve the problem is very simple, only need to return the illegal boats to where they came from, but the United States has been playing a trick in it, resulting in increasingly tense relations between China and the Philippines.
The United States has been constantly encouraging and encouraging behind the Philippines, threatening and enticing the Philippines, and saying that as long as the Philippines agrees to stand with itself, it will bring great benefits to the Philippines at that time.
Moreover, the United States persuaded the Philippines not to fear China, and the mutual defense treaty signed by the two countries would guarantee the national security of the Philippines. Under the threat and inducement of the United States, the Philippines still agreed to oppose China with the United States, so it refused to take the beach boat away.
But as everyone knows, it is just a small chess piece of the United States, the United States in order to be able to find China unhappy, suppress China, the United States does not form a gang of many countries together against China.
However, as a small piece on the chessboard, the Philippines is very unimportant in the chessboard, and perhaps one day it has no use value, and it will be kicked away by the United States.
In addition, since the Philippine president took office, he has shown a strong pro-American attitude, and after the Philippines and China engaged in a fierce confrontation over the issue of the beach, the United States intervened and advocated the arrogance of the Philippines.
Chinese attitude
All along, China has maintained a peaceful and friendly attitude towards the issue of the Philippines' shipwrecking, and has given the Philippines many steps, hoping that the Philippines can deal with the matter decently and prevent further impact on the relations between the two countries.
However, the Philippines not only did not repent in time, but also allied with the United States, trying to suppress and sanction China by stirring up the situation in the South China Sea, because the United States has always played the role of a spoiler and used many countries as a pawn of its own.
Our country hopes that the Philippines can stop its losses in time, turn back, and deeply understand the danger that the United States will bring to the Philippines by interfering, after all, China has been trading with the Philippines for a long time.
During this period, it has brought no small economic support to the Philippines, and I hope that the Philippines can pull away the beach ship in time and turn back to the shore. The future relationship between China and the Philippines depends on the attitude of the Philippines.
As for the Philippines' attempt to once again transport construction materials to the shoal ships and reinforce the ships, the actual purpose is to turn the Ren 'ai Reef into its own controlled territory.
In this regard, China has also made a clear statement, although the Philippines now wants to reinforce the ship by airdropping supplies, but now their air passage has been blocked by China, China has repeatedly stressed that if the Philippines' behavior poses a threat to China's Ren 'ai Reef, then China will fight to the end.
Not only that, there are foreign media through satellite photography, China's People's Liberation Army in the Ren 'ai Reef 40 kilometers away from the area of full deployment, that is to say, once the conflict on the Ren 'ai Reef, the Chinese People's Liberation Army fighter jets, only need two minutes to arrive at the scene, launched operations.
According to the photos, the Chinese People's Liberation Army fighter jets have been fully deployed, and if there is any unrest on the Ren 'ai Reef, the fighter jets will soon arrive at the scene to swear sovereignty.
In terms of maritime forces, the PLA has deployed a coast guard ship and a hospital ship, plus two support ships, which are ready to respond to war at any time. If the Philippine vessels continue to provoke, the Chinese side will teach the Philippines a painful lesson.
Foreign media saw the deployment of China's People's Liberation Army, frankly too powerful, the People's Liberation Army has done a full deployment, such high-configuration weapons and strong combat capabilities, let people see the chills, and even said that these people's Liberation Army deployed combat capabilities, and even may be more powerful than the US aircraft carrier.
However, even if China has fully deployed around the Ren 'ai Reef, but China still uphold the principle of courtesy, if the Philippines is honest and remove the illegal beach on the Ren 'ai Reef, China may still be able to maintain with the Philippines, not to break the face.
However, if the Philippines still relies on the backing of the United States and continues to make provocative noises over the Ren 'ai Reef issue, if it threatens China's interests, China will take any measures to the end.
If they do not listen to persuasion and still do not repent, then China will take tough measures to convince the Philippines and see what it means to punish those who commit crimes against China far away!
Philippine state officials have said that the Philippines is deliberately the ship to land on China's Ren 'ai Reef, you can see how brazen the Philippines is, knowing that such behavior is illegal, but in order to restrict China, still keep this broken ship in Chinese territory.
As a country, this behavior of the Philippines has led to the loss of face of the Philippines, but also let the international community see the ugly face of the Philippines and the United States, for these two countries always find a sense of presence in China's behavior, China will also make necessary counterattacks to deter.
In response to the Philippines' shoal issue, our attitude is very tough, and there is no room for easing, and for the Philippines to join the United States to disturb the situation on the Ren 'ai Reef, China will also make a strong counterattack, to give them a profound lesson, let them know that China is not so easy to provoke.
Now China is a very strong country, for territorial sovereignty and interests issues, China attaches great importance to, and is absolutely not allowed to be violated by other countries, if it threatens our interests and security, our country will let them see China's strength, let them know what is called riding the tiger.
More wonderful information from dictionary 】 【 university: http://www.daxuecidian.com/news
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